Friday, May 20, 2011

End of Kindergarten

 Today was Alexa's last day of Kindergarten.  I just cannot believe that she is going to be a first grader in August.  Truth be told, I have not been handling this well.  On Wednesday they held this celebration and it was so emotional.  They showed a video of the kids from the year with some song about staying 5 years old and never growing up...gads, there was not a dry eye in the room.  Her teacher was crying, the kids were crying, the moms were crying and even some dads were crying.  So, I guess I'm not the only one who is having a hard time!
 Receiving her trophy for completing Kindergarten and doing so well.
 With her teacher, Mrs. C.  You can tell she by how red her eyes are that she'd been crying all morning.  Check out the little girl in the back...she's crying too!!
 So proud of our girl.  She is a hard worker and always does her best.  She really loves school.
Now on to the big time....first grade. 


Hannah said...

What a wonderful way to end Kindergarten. Her teacher sounds like she truly cares for her students...what a blessing.

Debbie said...

Oh, I can understand why it would be an emotional evening for you all. They grow up so quickly...wish we had a stop/start button on Old Father Time! Dx

Georgea's Mommy said...

Gosh, I can't believe how she's growing up. I'm relating a bit, just thinking about G going to pre-school in August. I keep saying it over & over, bc I just can't believe it. I can't imagine the emotion that is linked to watching your baby leap from kindergarten into grade school. My heart is with you.

Natalie said...

Oh My goodness, how precious!They grow up so fast and after each of my kids, I have a hard time too.
I'm so glad she had such a beautiful celebration.
I'm going to see if I can find that song.