Wow, where to even start....lots has happened since we were last together. Here is the long and short of it and some pics to catch up. Best to just jump in and start from where we are at right now....
Alexa is 10.5...hard to believe she is in 5th grade.She is changing before my eyes. She plays piano, and chess and likes gymnastics and Minecraft. She is funny and sharp and is about to be a tween...I'm relishing in all the moments of AG dolls, horses, and stuffed animals that still exist. She recently talked us into a fish that she promised to feed and never the bird she begged for all summer. She is a master negotiator.
We left Arizona last year and now live in move ever. Screw that heat and hello ocean breezes. So happy here!
3 dogs still, although some have sadly left us and some new fur babies are amongst us. Just got a rescue Chihuahua we named Halo that wants to fight our sweet Brussels Tika...darn, that wasn't the plan, but we love her...Jinx is 13 and the old lady of the group...bless her old her.
We are happy silly family of 3, soaking up all San Diego has to offer and living in the moment.
Summer Solstice
8 months ago
1 comment:
Wow -- happy to see you back! Congrats on the move -- looks beautiful! You all look fabulous -- can hardly believe your sweet girl is in 5th grade now!
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