This past weekend we had fun decorating the house, putting up the Christmas tree and having a little photo shoot all dressed up so we could get a shot for the Christmas card. Alexa was really into the tree this year and even has her own little tree that she decorates and "re"decorates daily. She is also in charge of the Nativity set which is about 40 years old and is missing a wise man, the angel and a few animals. It was a little tough trying to explain the story with several key players not present but I think she got the jist of it. This year is so much fun because she really seems to get the whole thing. She is still not sure if she wants to go visit Santa. She remembers last year and he sort of freaked her out. One day she was being naughty( a whole other post ; ( and I told her that Santa was watching so he'll know if she is being naughty or nice. Oh you should have seen her face. What a weird concept to understand but I figure it didn't screw me up as a child so I'll continue the tradition. ; )
We were in Target the other day and she saw that lifelike pony Butterscotch. Oh dear. Alexa loooves horses and she was quite taken with this thing. It makes real sounds and moves, you can sit on it, feed it a carrot, brush it,etc Well, she has never asked for anything before, ever and on the way home she's going "Please Mom, please can I have Butterscotch?" Pleading with me almost. So I say "Ask Daddy when we get home" Copout I know but the darn thing is $250 and I've bought her presents already.She talks about that darn horse every day now. So now, we are on the hook with Butterscotch....stay tuned...
Happy Shopping to you all!
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